What is biopropane?

The industry for propane gas suppliers is a traditional and conservative one. After all, besides natural gas, there is only one real alternative: propane gas. Until recently. Because even traditional industries need to become more sustainable. This has led to the development of biopropane. A sustainable alternative to propane gas or natural gas. Yet little is known about it. What exactly is it, how can we use it and how is it extracted?

How is biopropane extracted?

It is a by-product released during the refining of biodiesel in an all-green biorefinery. The choice of feedstock depends on the demand and supply during a certain period of the year. This makes it a sustainable and circular product.

What are the applications of biopropane?

Biopropane has the same chemical composition as conventional "normal" propane, allowing it to be applied directly where propane is already used. This includes heating, cooking, hot water, industrial processes and various other applications.

What is the difference between normal propane and biopropane?

It is a more environmentally friendly alternative to normal propane. It is produced from residual waste and renewable resources and has significantly lower CO2 emissions compared to conventional propane. The emission reduction averages between 60% and 80% compared to fossil fuels, depending on the raw materials used. In addition, biopropane is recognized as renewable energy under the European Energy Efficiency Directive.

How is biopropane stored and transported?

It can be stored and transported in the same way as conventional propane, which means that existing infrastructure and storage tanks can be easily adapted to use biopropane. This makes the transition to sustainable fuel even easier and cost-effective.

How does its price compare to "normal" propane?

The price of biopropane has fallen sharply in recent years. However, the price per liter is still higher than the price of conventional propane gas. This is due to the less massive and sustainable method of production.


Kortom, biopropane is an excellent alternative to conventional propane. There are numerous environmental advantages to using biopropane. In contrast, the price is still higher. Want to know more about availability and price? Ask for free advice >

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